Our Values
At Oakdale, we value Unity, Loyalty, Positivity and Bravery.
At the heart of the Oakdale Netball Club brand is a sense of unity, community and togetherness. We create a welcoming environment that allows young women to be the best they can be. We understand that unity is strength; that when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. We live by the motto “one in, all in”. At Oakdale, we work together for a common goal – to be a champion club, on and off the court.
Our sense of loyalty is to our club and to each other. We are friendly, supportive and always look out for each other. It’s part of the reason Oakdale is a destination club. It’s that feeling you can’t quite describe; that feeling you get when you are surrounded by good people whose hearts are in the right place. Oakdale are winners – but it’s not all about winning. It’s much more than that. We bleed purple. And once you’ve been welcomed into the fold, you may just end up with purple in your veins too.
Part of what makes Oakdale such a champion club is unbridled energy and enthusiasm. Oakies people are so proud, so optimistic and so positive about their club that it’s impossible not to be caught up in the groundswell. It’s a tsunami of positivity that sweeps you off your feet! Oakdale is an amazing community, with an infectious sense of fun, laughter and celebration at its heart. Win, lose or draw, the confidence and positivity never fades.
Oakies people are proud of their club and confident of its continued success. And with this confidence comes bravery – the ability to make strong decisions and break new ground. Players and commercial partners are attracted to Oakdale because of this. Oakdale teams take the game on with a game style which is fast and fearless; bold and brave. And they are always entertaining and exciting. At Oakdale we are relentless until the final whistle.